
International Engagiert Studiert

International Engagiert Studiert is a project in the area of general key qualifications (ASQ) which is open to all bachelor students at MLU. The project groups consist of German as well as international students who work in teams while rendering a service to the community and attending seminars. Each participant receives 5 ECTS (credit points) for his/her involvement.


International Engagiert Studiert provides the students with the opportunity to:

  • Gain insights into social fields of activity and the work of non-profit organizations
  • develop and improve key competencies (such as teamwork, intercultural communication, project management)
  • reflect on their own behavior, competencies and values
  • gain insights into previously unknown social contexts
  • gather new or additional experiences in the area of civic engagement and
  • become more independent and take on responsibility


International Engagiert Studiert takes place on a regular basis. The participants commit themselves to engage in meaningful service to the community for a total of 60 hours over the course of 12 weeks. The service activity takes place at non-profit organizations or supports social players, public administrations or institutions in serving the common good. Depending on the needs within the community and the individual competencies of the students involved, participants can either join a service project that is already in place or initiate a project of their own.


In addition to the 60 hours of community involvement, students need to figure in time to prepare, evaluate and research the activity as well as attend planning meetings and seminars. In the course of the service learning seminars, students gain insights into planning methods, as well as project and time management. There they will discuss their experiences, help and inspire each other and reflect upon their actions together with their fellow (service learning) students.


Prior to the beginning of the semester, the participating students chose their favorite project from the project database. The semester starts off with an opening event at which students will be informed in detail about the service learning concept and how the semester will be organized. Immediately thereafter, students will start working with their community partners and regularly attend the respective service learning courses. All participants will present their activities and experiences at a closing event at the end of the semester.


If you like to participate in International Engagiert Studiert you may have a look at the project data base. Signing up for this ASQ only via StudIP.


International Engagiert Studiert is carried out in cooperation with the Freiwilligen-Agentur Halle-Saalkreis e.v.